Object detection for personal protective equipments (PPE).
Detect if a person is wearing personal protective equipments (PPE) in real‑time.
Technical Details
Inference latency:RealTime
Input resolution:320x192
Number of parameters:7.02M
Model size:13.5 MB
Number of output classes:2
Applicable Scenarios
- Protective Gear Detection
- Mask Detection
Source Model:BSD-3-CLAUSE
Deployable Model:AI Model Hub License
- real-time
Supported IoT Devices
- QCS8275 (Proxy)
- QCS8550 (Proxy)
- QCS9075 (Proxy)
Supported IoT Chipsets
- Qualcomm® QCS8275 (Proxy)
- Qualcomm® QCS8550 (Proxy)
- Qualcomm® QCS9075 (Proxy)
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